Sunday, June 3, 2012

Cucumber diet

Let us all admit it, summer vacation is exciting, fun and all but it triggers our weight to amplify. Aside from the complete sleep we’re getting, we are prone to temptations like midnight meals and afternoon snacks which are, as we all know, are not necessary. We get stressed whenever we feel we are  gaining pounds. We get too conscious, but it is typical to get convinced by our appetite to intake food. Sometimes, it is quite confusing if we really like to eat because we’re hungry or just because we’re bored. Funny thought.

Personally, I am currently conscious about my figure ever since summer came over. I eat a lot; I eat from time to time. At first, I didn’t notice it until I realize the comparison of my eating habits during school days. There I started to really think over. I must do something about it so I do exercises everyday and manage my eating routines. I balance, really I do? Haha, sort of.  I have been stressing myself too much since I had that realizations but one thing came passed by my thoughts. What is it? I need to weigh in to really know if I gain or not. So I did it, then I discovered I did not gain weight at all. I was surprised! I got too conscious without trying to check my weight.

This discovery did not become an indicator that I can still eat and eat and not exercise. Of course not, it actually inspired me to be more careful about my body figure and health. Unfortunately, I still eat midnight meal oops I intend to say midnight snack but not that heavy like before. I want to share some tips about eating habits. Like what I have said, it’s really hard to resist so I decided to prepare my healthy diet meal every midnight. My boyfriend is good in experimenting food. I learned some simple veggies procedure from him. Salad is good but you cannot satisfy yourself with that always. My favorite is the cucumber salad with cheese and dressing of course. I love its yumminess and its simplicity. We just chop cucumber into bits, add cheese pieces and pour out salad dressing, that’s it!

I am assured that what I eat is healthy plus it’s easy to do!

FACT: Cucumber Diet

Cucumber Diet is a tasty and effective way to cleanse your body and lose weight. Cucumber contains about 95% of water and 5% of dietary fiber. It provides cucumber's positive effect on digestive system, water and salt balance and metabolic process. Cucumbers also provide cleaner skin and are often the basis of cleaning and whitening cosmetic lotions and masks.

A cucumber is also a good weight loss vegetable. It is low in calories but will make you feel full for about 2-3 hours if you combine it with oil or sour cream.