Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pride and humility

Bragging won't lead you to a brighter future. Pride must be expelled out of your system before it gets worst”

Some people tend to brag about their possessions, achievements, fame and fortune. They tend to exaggerate their worth by stating unnecessary things to express their pride. Yes, these people are everywhere nowadays. Some of them think blowing their own horn could lead them into a brighter future. Well, we all know that it won’t. I don’t have the right to judge on a specific matter but I am certain that boasting oneself too much can lead to worsening of a situation. Others, especially the people you are expressing your feelings with, may listen to you; but when it’s too much, they can no longer take your brags and expression of pride.

Humility is hard to possess; but once you are able to acquire it, people will love you more. “Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real” (Thomas Merton) Pride is basically extremely exposing your self-image. We are not commanded to stay quiet and keep our achievements to ourselves. We can express it in a manner that we will not be labeled as prideful. As what I’m always saying, we should always think before saying something.

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